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My Heart Is Mine as It Is Yours and Ours

A Live Art Development Agency Commission
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As day breaks, she leaves a dedication at her door; cool rocks, warm spiced milk, winter’s bones, and berries sharp with colour. She wishes she could smell the salt from her childhood, evaporating off the sea into the hot air...The cusp of a new day lies for a moment next to the underbelly of history; sharing a bed.
…She is wrapped in animal skins and furs. As she walks, she listens to their life stories and cycles. Their murmurings comfort her loss of sensation, of land, of peoples,
 of choice.
My Heart Is Mine as It Is Yours And Ours draws upon memories and notes of reflection from the LADA team, prompted by a series of questions devised by Alexandrina, and uses footage that hasn’t yet been presented from Alexandrina’s personal archive of practice (disregarded texts and film rushes on the ‘cutting room floor’). My Heart Is Mine as It Is Yours and Ours calls in the occupation of non-linear time as resource for reparative actions.

My Heart Is Mine as It Is Yours and Ours invites you to experience from your home, a dance work that is simultaneously a moving portrait, a screen dance, an audio work and/or a visual essay. We hope that the work carries a liveness and spaciousness as it reaches you, we envision that this film might play as an audio piece in the background with your screen set up somewhere you choose (as if hanging a painting) or as a film that you sit down to watch.

This film is 12m28s. 
Audio described and captioned versions available.

To book screenings for My Heart Is Mine as It Is Yours And Ours, or any other Yewande 103 digital works please contact

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People Involved

Concept, performance, filming and edit: Alexandrina Hemsley 
Collage: Alexandrina Hemsley
Words: Chinasa Vivian Ezugha, Ben Harris, Rosaleigh Harvey-Otway, Alexandrina Hemsley, Lois Keidan, Elyssa Livergant, Joseph Morgan Schofield, Megan Vaughan, Cecilia Wee
Text arrangement and narration: Alexandrina Hemsley 
Guitar and Sound Score: Dave Archer 
Captioning: Nancy May Roberts, Dave Archer 
BSL: Dionne Thomas 
Audio Description: Sightlines 
Producer: Nancy May Roberts
Commissioned by the Live Art Development Agency in 2021 for Live Art Histories and Futures, a research project mapping the impact and influence of the Live Art sector in the UK, supported by Live Art UK and Arts Council England.
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